Business management PKIDR Working remotely

Why At Least One Online Office Platform Doesn’t Need to Fear Any Zoom-like Bombing Shenanigans!

And, that online office platform might be the only one. That’s because it’s the only one that offers Protection from Zoom-like BOMBING by using PKIDR (PKI Done Right)!

Security in an Online Office Space

After checking out TAA’s (The Authenticity Alliance) office platform called Abyx  and speaking with its inventor, Wes Kussmaul, I learned why Abyx (Online) Properties is a giant step ahead of those office platforms that don’t offer PKIDR. PKIDR serves as the gatekeeper preventing incidents of BOMBINGS among other everyday things offices always seem to have with unauthorized people wandering around the office building’s sensitive areas. The problems of proprietary documents flying out the door to be sold to competitors and the constant and underlying fear that a company isn’t supplying a work environment of total security for its employees is solved by Abyx and PKIDR.

Other online office providers are prevented from being totally secure because of their lack of the use of PKIDR. Why ? Because PKIDR is a proprietary technology of The Authenticity Alliance.

Zoom Bombing

Perhaps you’ve seen this recent Zoom flogging headline and story: The best Zoom alternative may not exist yet. Here are some excerpts:

“Chances are you’ve been on a Zoom call or two (or three, or 20) this week. The video-conferencing platform has become a household name this year, with the Covid-19 pandemic forcing companies, schools, and universities to shift online. Zoom has seen its daily users triple since December 2019, and its shares have surged by 50% over the past month.”

“But Zoom’s privacy flaws, already worrisome before the pandemic, have become a full-fledged crisis of late. The company shares user data with Facebook (and has done so with LinkedIn, though it disabled the feature following criticism). Its claim that its video calls are end-to-end encrypted were proved to be false: The Intercep revealed last month that Zoom calls that are joined through the phone are not encrypted. An investor filed a class-action lawsuit against Zoom this week, accusing the company of failing to disclose problems with privacy and security.”

“A key Zoom feature that makes it easy for anyone, even non-users who don’t have the program downloaded, to join a call within seconds, is also exposing participants to bad actors. The act of “Zoombombing”—when trolls disrupt group calls, including online college lectures—doesn’t require the finesse of a hacker. One simply has to click on a link in a copy-and-pasted Zoom meeting invite. While Zoom moderators have the option of password-protecting video meetings, many don’t. Typing in a passcode is cumbersome, and besides, who would want to disrupt your book club meeting or English 101 lecture? As it turns out, plenty of people.”


Sorry…almost forgot to include background information on PKIDR…Here you go:

This is Where and Why PKIDR (PKI Done Right) was developed:

Check out this video to learn more about PKIDR.

More Than Just Meetings

Wes Kussmaul, inventor of and PKIDR, related the following office scenario to me:

“Here’s one version of hell. A new online office workplace that has nothing but MEETINGS.

Nothing happens there besides (shudder).. MEETINGS. Just MEETINGS. Do you like mettings? Neither do we. Let’s face it, things don’t get done in MEETINGS. Things get done when people just go to their co-workers to get answers and ideas and feedback, right? By the time you schedule a meeting to address an issue, the project has moved on.

Given that fact, do you want your work-at-home platform to recreate only the worst aspect of your physical office, the meetings? Of course, you want something better than that.”

However, here’s what We at The Authencity Alliance) know:

The best work-at-home platform does exist – and it provides more than just meetings.

If you want to work the way you like to work, that is, without turning your work at home experience into a series of (ugh) MEETINGS…then Abyx can build your new online workplace!

It works like your physical workplace. You’ll see who’s in their office and whether they’re with someone or can be interrupted. And when you want to talk to someone (get this !) you just go to their            office and talk to them!

Amazing, right ?

Your online office should work like your physical office. meetings may be a fact of professional life, but there’s more to professional life than just meetings!

What are your thoughts on running a secure work environment? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!













By Liam Kilpater

Liam Kilpater is a 30 year veteran in the Mass Communications arena who consults and collaborates with those concerned with communications, mass marketing and publicity. Contact him at

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